[ in Croatian and English ]




Institut za suvremenu umjetnost vas poziva da se prijavite na praktičnu radionicu i seminar
– za umjetnike, kustose, profesore, učitelje i umjetničke administratore svih umjetničkih disciplina i ostale zainteresirane polaznike

| Voditelji radionica: Fritzie Brown, Ivan Talijancic / New York, USA

Radionica i seminar održavat će se na engleskom jeziku. Prijavitelji će po prijavi primiti upute i materijale koje će trebati ispuniti prije radionice. Materijali sadrže jednostavni formular za ispunjavanje narativnog i financijskog opisa zamišljenog/simuliranog projekta koji prijavljujete imaginarnoj FO fondaciji. Više, vidi dolje u opisu radionice.

| Rok za predaju materijala:
– radionica u Zagrebu, 12. 10. 2019.;
– radionica u Splitu 15. 10. 2019.,
– za seminar u Dubrovniku nije potrebno ispunjavati materijale prije radionice/seminara.

| Prijave poslati na:
ime i prezime; grad u kojem želite pohađati radionicu/seminar; kontakt (e-mail i broj telefona), umjetnička disciplina
Sve dodatne informacije

| Radionica će se održati
u petak i subotu, 18. i 19. 10. 2019., u Zagrebu – cijeli dan
– partner, Institut za suvremenu umjetnost
u ponedjeljak i utorak, 21. i 22. 10, 2019., u Splitu – cijeli dan
– partner UMAS – Umjetnička akademija Split
u petak, 25. 10. 2019, u Dubrovniku – seminar – poslije podne/navečer
– partner Art radionica Lazareti

Detalji o lokaciji i terminima će biti potvrđeni prijaviteljima.
Broj sudionika je ograničen.



Learn by Doing: Simulated Grant Application & Panel Review
This two-part workshop is valuable for artists and administrators wishing to gain insight into the subtleties of crafting a competitive grant proposal, as well as the peer review process by which most funding opportunities are adjudicated. All the participants will fill a dual role during the workshop: first, they will be asked to fill the role of an “applicant” by completing a simple grant application for a project of their design. In the first session, we will review and discuss the guidelines of a hypothetical funder, to help prepare the in-home application to be submitted online. In the second session, the participants will be divided in panels, serving in the capacity of a panel of experts, to review and rank the proposals which they will have receive and asked to review at home prior to the panel meeting. The panels will be moderated by the instructors and the criteria and guidelines will be applied to steer panelists’ discussion and evaluation of proposals. Subsequent to the mock panel meeting we will discuss the outcomes, and use the ranking system to award “grants” within the limit of our hypothetical budget, and to evaluate the experience of serving as a grant maker. Notes of panelists’ comments will be taken and, “applicants” will also be able to request anonymized peer feedback.



| Fritzie Brown

is the retired director of CEC ArtsLink, a leading US institution for cultural exchange between the US and East and Central Europe, Russia, Central Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Previous to her 20 year tenure at CEC, she was interim director and director of operations at Headlands Center for the Arts in California. She was an early participant in the founding of the Alliance of Artists Communities, has served on the College Art Associations’ International Committee and has moderated and participated in countless selection and presentation panels. She continues her work as a visual artist as well and an full schedule of workshops and mentoring activities.




| Ivan Talijancic

is a director and cultural producer working at the intersection of theater, film, dance, performance, music, installation art and new media, in New York City and around the globe. Originally from Croatia and raised in Italy before immigrating to the United States, Ivan completed his university studies with a BA in Theatre (cum laude) at the University of California, San Diego and an MFA in Directing at Columbia University’s School of the Arts in New York City on a Kathryn Bache Miller Scholarship, and has assisted Robert Wilson and Julie Taymor as part of his graduate internship program. Immediately upon completion of his studies, Ivan co-founded WaxFactory, for which he has created and produced over 20 performance, installation and film/video works to date, presented on four continents. Alongside his work with the company, Ivan has maintained a dynamic career path as an educator, producer, journalist as well as a freelance director in non-profit and commercial realm. This year, Ivan became the Artistic Director of Contemporary Performance Practices, a new training program organized by CCA in Croatia.