Call for applications
Fund for support of Croatian visual artists
affected by the coronavirus crisis and earthquakes
and Invitation for additional donations to
Fund for support of Croatian visual artists
(see bottom of page, deadline July 31, 20201.)
GRANT DECISIONS: 01. 08. 2021.
The crisis caused by the coronavirus, which has a global reach, has made it difficult and often impossible for artists in Croatia to work regularly. In addition to the global pandemic, Croatia was hit by two devastating series of powerful earthquakes that created material damage, damaged living and working spaces, work equipment and works of art.
The Institute for Contemporary Art from Zagreb, with the support of the Heathocte Art Foundation / FACE Croatia program and the Trust for Mutual Understanding from New York, raised funds intended to help Croatian artists who are prevented from regular work, have damaged living or working space, due to special circumstances their usual incomes are hindered or disabled.
Grants are intended to help with material needs, and no artistic criteria are required.
All grants will be awarded in equal amounts.
Fine artists from all over Croatia can apply, and priority will be given to artists from earthquake-affected areas.
The selection of grants will be decided by a three-member commission.
The call for applications opens on June 26, 2021,
and remains open until July 15, 2021.
Instructions for applicants
All visual artists in Croatia can apply for the call, regardless of their status and membership in the HZSU, for whom the primary source of funding is work in the fine arts, and who can prove income losses due to crises caused by the corona virus and / or earthquakes.
The application, on a maximum of two A4 pages, is sent by e-mail to, with the attached financial documentation.
All in one pdf document!
All received information, names of applicants and other data will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Please provide information and answer questions:
1. Artistic CV with contact information, links to artist websites and / or social media pages.
2. What is your artistic / artistic discipline?
3. Are you the only financial provider of the family?
4. Do you have minor children in your household? If so, how many?
5. Is your work in the field of art the only source of your income? If not, please explain.
6. Is your home/studio directly affected by earthquakes? Can you live/work in your space? Please describe the damage incurred and the cost of repairs.
7. Please estimate the decline in revenue over the period from March 2020 to date, and the projection of loss for the next 6 months, either due to the earthquake or the epidemiological situation.
8. Please estimate your regular necessary monthly expenses.
9. Please provide official records proving your sources of income, loss/reduction of income (cancelled exhibitions and other programs and jobs), monthly expenses, and extraordinary expenses related to post-earthquake reconstruction, income from non-professional and other jobs, and savings data for the period from March 2020 to the present.
10. Have you received any government or other assistance to date? If so, through which program and in what amount and term?
If you think you can supplement the application with additional information, enter your notes.
Late applications will not be considered.
All information:
It is to your advantage to provide the clearest, most official records available to you.
The attached documents do not have to be originals, you can attach copies, screenshots, with a date!
Send the entire application with attachments in one pdf document!
We assume that the information you provide is true and correct.
The Institute of Contemporary Art reserves the right, if necessary, to request additional information.
Fund for support of Croatian visual artists
During the ongoing call we fundraise for additional donations from all interested donors.
Deadline for donations to the Fund: July 31, 2021.
Institute for Contemporary Art
Trg kralja Tomislava 20, Zagreb
OIB 23064700393
IBAN HR402402006-1100071943
Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d.,
Jadranski trg 3A, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia