Danilo Dučak: SCRIBBLES, postcards

| price: each postcard 10,00 HRK, set of 5:  40,00HRK

Edition of 5 colour postcards,
10 x 15 cm

Design: Igor Kuduz

The exhibition of digital drawings “Scribbles” was the first
exhibition of Danilo Dučak at the Institute for Contemporary Art in
Zagreb. The title essentially indicates how Dučak is drawing with a
nonchalant ease.

He posts the original drawings on Facebook amongst other private
photographs and common commentaries on everyday life. So the
audience might have previously seen all of the drawings exhibited.
For the occasion of this exhibition, we have reproduced those
drawings in another media, printed them on a canvas to which the
author intervenes, this time by hand, directly to the surface.
The exhibition was composed of a selection of drawings from the
homonymous series, Motovun Scribbles and Rovinj Scribbles,
indicating the location where they were made.

Drawings are notes like, records of everyday situations observed in
artist’s surroundings. They are made on iPad Procreate app that
allows a fully manuscript-like expression and gives the impression
that drawings are made on paper as if they were pages from a
“skizenbuch”, scraps from the streets or from the bars. Thier
number and Duc ak’s perseverance in making them give the public
impression of observing a chronicle, commentaries, or diary notes
on social events and subtle changes.


On the face of the postcard are redesigned drawings, without the inscription found in the originals, which were handwritten on the works that were exhibited at the exhibition. On the back of the postcard is the name/logo of the exhibition, the dates of the exhibition and venue.

Danilo Dučak was born in 1953 in Zagreb and after completing the
Academy of Fine Arts he works as an illustrator and photographer.
In 1986, he moved to the US where he worked as an illustrator for
the next twenty years. He returned to Zagreb in 2006 and later has
moved to the province of Istria.