| price 150,00 HRK

ISBN: 978-953-8027-01-7
444 pages, 5 b/w images, 22,5 x 15 cm
bilingual (Croatian / English), softcover
Publisher: Institute for Contemporary Art, Zagreb and Igor Kuduz
Editors: Igor Kuduz and Janka Vukmir
Texts: Igor Kuduz, Janka Vukmir and Marina Viculin
Translation: Zana Šaškin

The book Marina Viculin: Time Without Intent brings 67 texts
written by Marina Viculin at the exhibitions she organised within
the of Snapshot/Brzo okidanje series and the exhibitions at the
Waldinger Gallery in Osijek, in the period between 2004 and 2014,
before her untimely death at the beginning 2015.
Readers are introduced to the motifs of creating this book and a
summary of Marina’s work, by the texts of the book editors Igor
Kuduz and Janka Vukmir, and escorted by the editor’s note, the
chronology of all the mentioned exhibition cycles and index of
artists mentioned in the book

Marina Viculin (1957 – 2015) was an art historian whose rich
professional career covered various areas of art, but she
predominantly worked with living artists and in the field of
contemporary art. She could, however, easily switch between
different historical periods and various professional topics. She was
active at various institutional levels, and she held expert and
management positions. From 1989, until when she had been
working as an independent art critic and curator, she worked as a
curator at the Museum Space (Muzejski prostor), later renamed the
Museum and Gallery Centre (Muzejsko galerijski centar) and finally
the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery (Galerija Klovićevi dvori) where she
became a museum adviser and acted as the director from 2012 until
her premature death in 2015. As a PhD, she also worked in the
academic sector.

Igor Kuduz, (Zagreb, 1967) is a visual artist and graphic designer, a
professor at the Department of Media Design, University North,
Koprivnica One of the founders of the Institute for Contemporary
Art. Member of the Expert Council of Croatian Photographic Union.
Member of the Management Board of the Croatian Designers
Society. He has exhibited at shows and video festivals in Zagreb,
Split, Ljubljana, Clermont-Ferrand, Bonn, Budapest, Berlin, Aachen,
Dessau, Tirana, Cairo, Trieste, New York and more other places.
Marko Golub is an awarded art critic based in Zagreb. He is
president of AICA – Croatia, curator of the gallery of the Croatian
Association of Designers.

Janka Vukmir is an art historian, art critic and
curator. She is a Co-founder and a President of the Institute for
Contemporary Art.