L’Ollave, thread of friendship / More than 30 years of artistic collaboration and exchange – book launch

We invite you to the presentation of the publication

L’Ollave, thread of friendship / More than 30 years of artistic collaboration and exchange

L’Ollave, une histoire d’amitié / Plus de 30 ans de collaboration et d’échanges artistiques

at the Institute for Contemporary Art, Trg kralja Tomislava 20, Zagreb

on Saturday, October 19, 2024, at 12:00 h

The book will be presented by: Martina Kramer, Vanda Mikšić and Janka Vukmir


The publication L’Ollave, thread of friendship / More than 30 years of artistic collaboration and exchange provides an overview of the collaboration of Croatian artists and writers with the French gallery and publisher l’Ollave, which was started at the very beginning of the 1990s and developed into a rich and continuous cultural cooperation that is due to Jean de Breyne, poet, photographer, art critic, writer and publisher, whom the President of the Republic of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, has just awarded with the Order of Danica Hrvatska with the face of Marko Marulić for his special contribution to the recognition and promotion of Croatian culture and art in France.

The book represents last year’s exhibition of the same name and the works of Croatian artists Boris Cvjetanović, Boris Greiner, Stanislav Habjan, Martina Kramer, Ivan Kožarić, Antun Maračić, Vlado Martek, Iva Patarčec, Mladen Stilinović, Mirjana Vodopija, Vlasta Žanić and the publishing and translation program of Domaine croate / Poetry (published poets: Branko Čegec, Slavko Mihalić, Antun Šoljan, Sibila Petlevski, Antun Branko Šimić, Gordana Benić, Miroslav Mićanović, Dobriša Cesarić, Marija Čudina, Monika Herceg, Anka Žagar, Delimir Rešicki, Nikola Šop, Hrvoje Pejaković, Ana Brnardić, Zvonimir Mrkonjić, Andrijana Škunca, Vanda Mikšić, Jure Kaštelan, Vlado Kristl, Alen Brlek, Dražen Katunarić, Igor Zidić) also held at the Institute for Contemporary Art.


The introductory texts were prepared by Janka Vukmir and Vanda Mikšić, and the book also includes excerpts from de Breyne’s diaries from his first visits to Zagreb, contributions by several artists who appeared at the exhibition of Boris Greiner, Iva Patarčec, Vlado Martek and Stanislav Habjan, and an extensive chronology of the 30- annual cooperation. The visual material consists of photographs that represent the archive of the exhibition, along with a row of formal and less formal photographs from the history of the events and collaborations.

The book is trilingual, Croatian-French-English, 100 pages, 20 x 25 cm. Editors: Janka Vukmir and Martina Kramer. ISBN 978-953-8027-20-8